Half Way There {Progress and Goals}
*I’ve interviewed and chosen a supportive health care provider
*Established a “plan B” in case my provider is not on call when I go into labor
*I’ve interviewed two doulas
*Had our 18wk. ultrasound which gave us the news that we are expecting our first baby boy
*I’m working out at least twice a week at the gym and trying to stay active the other days
*Started using bountiful baskets in order to up my vegetable intake and improve my overall nutrition
*Purchased some Red Raspberry Leaf Tea to help tone my uterus and keep me hydrated during the summer months
*Continue to go to monthly Birth Circle meetings as well as local ICAN meetings
*Find a food based, high quality prenatal that has magnesium in it, and make a habit of taking it every day
* Interview more doulas and hire one
*Prepare a birth plan
*Take a childbirth prep class
*Educate myself about the typical hospital protocols and procedures done to babies, and find out what I want/don’t want for our child
*Order Hypnobabies Home Study Course and begin the program at around 28wks.
* Read “The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth” and any other books that I feel will help prepare me
*Continue to work out several times a week and eat well
*Take a tour of the hospital I am delivering at/register
*Continue attending Birth Circle/ICAN meetings
*Stay really hydrated
*Pass the glucose test with flying colors
*Possibly purchase an inflatable pool to labor in at home as well as a birthing ball
*Review my birth plan with my provider
*Pack my hospital bag
*Have maternity photos done
*Come to an agreement with my husband in regards to circumcision (we are on opposite ends currently)
*Talk to/hire a placenta lady for placenta encapsulation
*Have a healthy baby boy and a successful and empowering VBAC
I still feel like I have a LOT of time before this baby comes, but there’s plenty for me to be doing until then.
Wish me luck:)
The Perfectly Passive Patient
Twas the Morn after Christmas
Twas the morn after Christmas and with nowhere to go,
Every creature was sleeping in our humble condo.
The girlies were sprawled out, new toys in their beds,
While visions of next Christmas danced in their heads.
And Mama in her jammies, and Papa in his G’s,
Slept on into Saturday, for as long as they pleased.
When out of the alarm clock there arose such a clatter,
Mama went to take her temp, and empty her bladder.
Her temperature had risen, could this be a trick?
She ran to the bathroom to pee on a stick.
When what to her wondering eyes should appear?
But a thin, pale, blue line, that was faint…but clear.
And so to the closet, she flew like a bat
Grabbed a large flashlight, and by Papa she sat.
“I think I am pregnant!” she said with a smile.
And they gazed at the stick, and then hugged for a while.
And the twins’ Christmas wish, if you can remember,
Will be happily fulfilled this coming September.