I’m still in denial that Christmas is next month. I like my holidays one at a time and we just had Halloween, so I’m not sure I’m ready yet. As much as I don’t want to think about Christmas or the work involved in getting gifts for everyone, I am a planner at heart and like to get ahead so that Christmastime doesn’t feel as stressful. I don’t think I’m alone in vowing every November that I am going to “simplify Christmas this year” and NOT going to buy my kids any more rickety cheap TOYS or PLASTIC JUNK that will just add to our already existing pile of reject/broken/forgotten toys and in six months find a new home at Goodwill. But if that is the goal, the question remains, what DO I get them instead? So I’ve been doing an inventory of the best gifts we’ve given our kids plus a few of my favorites I’ve received to help get some ideas going.
Here are ten gift items that I consider are WINNING, in that they are used often, some daily, and appreciated long after the holidays are over.