Hello, and welcome to my blog!
My name is Missy, which is Greek for “honey bee.” I grew up in sunny Arizona with beehives in my backyard. As a woman, wife, and mother of five, I can relate to the tasks of bee-ing. Below are some of the reasons I created Lady Bee.
I love to write. I've had a passion for writing since I learned how to hold a pencil. I entered elementary school a very shy child, soft spoken, and introverted. Writing provided a safe place for me to express myself, and even more, I really enjoyed it. I love the freedom that comes with creating stories and poetry, each paper a blank canvas just waiting for me to paint it with words. I see my writing then and now as a reflection of myself. And while socializing is not my strong point, I appreciate the role my words play in helping others to get to know the fun-loving, sensitive, and deep thinking person that I am.
As an introvert I prefer to be in smaller groups, or one on one when it comes to interacting with others. I thrive off of deep conversations versus the crust of everyday chit chat. Back when BlogSpot was huge, I created a family blog and really enjoyed it. I also started a birth blog and got a lot of fulfillment in sharing my birth experiences and offering what knowledge I collected along the way. I found that blogging is introvert-friendly, allows me to connect with others in my own timing, and choose the topics I'm most interested in. Plus I'm a work-at-home-mom, marinating in small children seventy-five percent of the day. I need to connect with those in the outside world, particularly adults like me, for my own well-being.
My Strengths
Two of my greatest strengths are empathy and connectedness. Being able to combine my passion for writing with a desire to connect with others, and empathize while I talk about thoughts, observations, and experiences is a great fit for me.
Heavier Things
I'm human. I'm a woman. I'm a wife and mother of five young children. I'm a child of God, and extremely imperfect. I'm acquainted with our world and culture. I know how it feels to create, grow, birth and raise children. I'm very skilled in the lifelong attempt to balance family life alongside a marriage, self-care, work, and church callings. I've lived through divorce, depression, anxiety, thoughts of self-harm, body image issues, lack of self-care, and the pangs of addiction; things that many can relate to but few bring to the surface. I find that one of the hardest parts of going through something difficult is feeling alone; like I'm the only one. I want to help change that for others by sharing what I feel is appropriate. So much of what we see every day does not reflect reality, and it can create a large disconnect when everyone around you seems to be operating on a much higher plane than you are. I believe we all have a lot more in common than we realize.
My Hopes
My hopes with Lady Bee are to have fun, grow my talent, share my thoughts and experiences, and provide resources that I have found beneficial. I want to help others. Like the honeybee, I'm collecting, connecting, and ultimately trying to create something good. So let's sit down and have a chat, shall we? Let's talk about the light and dark and everything in between, and let's be real about it.