Let's take a moment and talk about hair, postpartum hair that is. Most moms are familiar with the postpartum shedding that occurs about three to six months after their baby is born. After retaining most of your hair during pregnancy, the body needs to "correct itself" by shedding a whole lot of it all at once. Suddenly it's falling out in clumps, clogging your drains, vacuum, and forming a loose knit rug on your bathroom floor. It seems that about the time my baby is getting more hair, that I'm losing mine. A little ironic isn't it? Everyone's experience varies, and some will not even notice a big difference, or won't experience it at all. I've even heard that women with really thick hair actually enjoy it. Fancy that.
Weight & Wisdom {Learning Patience Postpartum}
With every baby I’ve grown and birthed, my awe of the female body and its wisdom grows. A woman’s body shapeshifts so effortlessly, day by day and week by week. It knows just what to do, and how to do it. Pregnancy lets us grow accustomed to each additional pound, little by little, balancing each change as it goes. And by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. A miracle is born and the fourth trimester begins.Continue Reading
Born Again {The Realities of Motherhood Shapeshifting}
As a woman who has carried twins and three singletons, I can attest that pregnancy and birth never leave you the same woman as you were before. It’s a birth every time, and I don’t mean for the baby, I mean for the mother.
A form is changed no longer thin
with curtseyed hips now stools for kin,
and silver threads on weary skin
prove medals from babes once within.
Breasts now at rest, nourishment they gave
sweet days of dependence you cannot save,
a crawl a step, we must be brave,
the babes grow still, more growth they crave.
sweet days of dependence you cannot save,
a crawl a step, we must be brave,
the babes grow still, more growth they crave.
The curves which held the angels sweet
which felt the thrust of tiny feet,
now feel the pang of scorn and tears
and critic’s eyes and mocking mirrors.
The wishing now for younger years
consumes the mind with prideful fears.
which felt the thrust of tiny feet,
now feel the pang of scorn and tears
and critic’s eyes and mocking mirrors.
The wishing now for younger years
consumes the mind with prideful fears.
But all too soon there comes the part
with no more babes to cradle and cart,
and true the space below my heart
anticipates new life to start.
with no more babes to cradle and cart,
and true the space below my heart
anticipates new life to start.