I grew him from a seed
fed and watered by my blood, my body
280 Days
under a blood moon
my moon shaped body, full of life, opened and then closed
he emerged from my womb, cradled in warm waters, marked at his navel
and powerless.
I grew him from a babe
fed and watered by my breasts, my milk
668 Days
under a waning moon
my moon shaped breasts, full of life, opened and then closed
he emerged from my chest
fully nourished from milk and ready for meat
marked with long legs, and round cheeks
and powerful.
I grew him from a toddler
fed and watered by my hands, my words
851 Days
under a new moon
my moon shaped arms, full of life, opened and then closed
he emerged from my constant hold
clothed in soft cottons and rubber shoes
marked with his own words, his own direction
and powerful.
I’ll grow him from a child, from a teenager, from a man
Fed and watered by my body, my wisdom
21,960 Days
Under a full moon, my moon shaped eyes, full of life, will open and then close
I will emerge from this earth’s garden
wrapped in wisdom from all that I grew
marked with stretched body and heart
and powerful.
Melissa Johnston
This poem is about my relationship to my youngest child Jack (4), as well as my four other children. He was born at 40 weeks on the dot, under a blood moon.
Photo credit: Glen Shneider
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